[02 June 2018, updated 11 November 2024]
These are the key steps in bibliographic work (German: Literaturarbeit). I propose the following criteria
Assessments in "quality", "relevance" and "bibliography":
5 excellent, 1 poor, not applicable (n.a.), not estimated (n.e.)
JSTOR "Research Basics: an open academic research skills course"
(12 Sep 2023) Very good introduction to the topic and course for training.
(27 Sept 2023) "Your personal research assistant. Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research."
In German: Literatur verwalten mit Zotero
(19 Sep 2023) Film von Simon Meier-Vieracker 07.10.2020
In German: Literaturverwaltung mit Zotero (SuUB)
(19 Sep 2023) mit weiterführenden Links zum Download, Informationen u einem sehr guten Einführungsfilm von Simon Meier-Vieracker
Generic, computer science and health care / public health: