A register without a book was sometimes useful,
a book without a register never.
(attributed to Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881)
see also: 06 Mai 2020 Blog Refit II - The Guide
I am comfortable with the techniques jimdo offers its users to include a blog on a website. Alas, it misses the opportunity to offer a tag cloud beside the blog entries. Thus I had to create a
(last modified on 27 May 2020)
The tags contain German and English terms as some entries are written in English and others in German. Just click on a term and you will change to the oldest or what I identified so far as the core blog entry. If you click in this blog entry on the tag, all entries with this tag are offered.
(last modified on 22 December 2024)
health care - see also the category
higher education - see also the category
HSB (Hochschule Bremen)
Joseph Beuys
meer - für alles was damit zu tun hat, auch Boote
organisationsentwicklung - see also category organization development
organization development - see also category organization development
public health - see also category change in health care
schreiben - see also category writing & publishing
social informatics - see also category social informatics
social security contribution (SSC)
socioinformatics - see also category social informatics
sozioinformatik - see also category social informatics
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
UN The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
unconditional basic income (UBI)
XR : Extended reality (XR) includes augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR)