Artikel mit dem Tag "competency-based learning"

Social Informatics Experience: The Booklet
social informatics · 02. Juni 2023
What a joy: the first e-booklet open access is online and also stored, archived and offered by DNB, the German National Library: Social Informatics Experience: Learning about people and computers ISBN 978-3-947287-14-7 | 2023 ...

Visiting Lecturer ... An Application
higher education · 29. Dezember 2022
I love to teach, to cooperate with students, teaching colleagues and the management staff of higher education institutions. After a three year break I want to resume teaching. This blog-entry is the blueprint for my applications ...

Bewerbung als Lehrbeauftragte
higher education · 21. Dezember 2022
Wäre doch klasse: 2023 wieder mit Studierenden, lehrenden Kolleg:innen und Menschen im Management von Hochschulen zusammen zu arbeiten ...

Social Informatics Experience ... article published
social informatics · 25. Januar 2022
Yesterday the managing editor informed me via e-mail: "Dear Author, I am pleased to present a special issue of Acta Informatica Pragensia entitled Perspectives of Social Informatics (3/2021) ..." And so SIE is published: ...

Social Informatics Experience accepted
social informatics · 20. Dezember 2021
Such wonderful news. The reviewers and the people at Acta Informatica Pragensia were fast. Five days after the submission of the third version they accepted the paper for publication in the beginning of 2022 ...

Social Informatics Experience
social informatics · 16. Dezember 2021
Version 3 submitted _ Encouraging news from one reviewer (the other was not that optimistic) and the managing editor: proceed, just a minor revision of the paper. It is still not certain, whether the journal will accept the paper. I embrace the opportunity to publish this version here in "blog & books" and thus to tell the story of the case study ...

Social Informatics Experience
social informatics · 01. Oktober 2021
Reviewers' Feedback on Version 1 _ Good news on 06 Sep: the reviewers recommended revisions. This means, that there is still the opportunity, that the journal will accept the paper ...

Social Informatics Experience
social informatics · 01. August 2021
Paper Submission and a Book Review _ Now it is up to the reviewers, whether they will accept the paper and, if yes, what I will have to adapt in "Social Informatics Experience: Learning and teaching sociological basics in a technical context. A case study". For recreation and reflection: a thriller about SI. Book review about "Blackout" …

How to become an expert in social informatics
social informatics · 01. Juli 2019
A colleague from Switzerland wrote: "Reading your blog I realized that I'm already doing social informatics. Can you give me some advice, how to become an expert in social informatics?" Like in any other area it is a trio: do it, learn it, promote it …

Learning objectives and their realization
higher education · 28. Juli 2018
in higher education _ A teacher is a facilitator, mentor, guide. The design and the moderation of the learning process are her and his most important tasks. Students are enabled to learn competency-based. Bloom's revised taxonomy of learning, teaching and assessing is a useful tool for the alignment of the learning objectives with the seminar contents and the course assessment ...

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