"Did you graduate?" - "?" Ah, the professor wanted to know, whether I studied computer sciences. He knew that I have degrees in medicine and public health. So my answer was: "No, but I established and managed a research group in medical informatics at Aachen University (RWTH), performed research and development, attended theses, such as doctoral theses, diploma (similar to a master degree) and students' research projects (similar to a bachelor degree). And I teach since 2002. Also there are several publications: books, papers et cetera." - "May be, that this will be relevant for you application." - "That's fine, I will produce a cv focusing on computer science." So, find here CW's cv.
My work in the fields of information technologies and computer sciences
The basis was and is my work at Aachen University 2002-2007. In 2002 I made a lateral entry in information technologies and computer sciences. A professor hired me to establish and manage a research group in medical informatics at Aachen University. My background as physician, public health professional and as scientist and business consultant was in his eyes an appropriate basis: the topic of the research group was web-based and mobile systems in health care. A field that became more and more relevant in informatics and health care in the early 2000s. From 2007 on I continued as freelance consultant, coach, teacher and author in organization development & IT. My focus is social informatics: the world of people and computers, see also biography. The following sections describe my work so far in Teaching & Attending Theses and in Research & Development.
Teaching & Attending Theses in IT
Since 2002 I perform lectures, talks, seminars, tutorials, practical training and workshops at universities, at universities of applied sciences, on conferences, in companies and open. Also since 2002 I coach students in their scientific work, such as doctoral theses, diploma (similar to a master degree) and students' research projects (similar to a bachelor degree) and master and bachelor theses. The page Attended Theses and it's sub-pages list them.
Computer science related topics of my seminars and lectures and study programs so far are:
IT Product Management (B.A.) at Furtwangen University (2017/2018)
Business Informatics (B.A.) at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim (2010-2019)
_ Scholarly Work. Seminar.
Media Informatics (M.A.) at University of Applied Sciences Beuth (BHT), Berlin (2010)
Institute of Medical Informatics at RWTH Aachen University (2002-2007)
_ Knowledge Management in Medical Informatics. Seminar.
_ Qualitative Research Methods in Medical Informatics. Seminar.
_ Facilitation I and II. Seminar series "New media, communication and didactics in medicine".
_ Project Management I and II. Seminar series "New media, communication and didactics in medicine".
Research & Development in IT
The page Research & Development lists a selection of R&D projects. Find below some publications and reports.
- Weßel C. Social Informatics Experience: Learning about people and computers. Weidenborn Verlag 2023 (ebook)
- Weßel C. Sozioinformatik: Von Menschen & Computern … und Bibern. Weidenborn Verlag 2021 (print), 2022 (audiobook), 2023 (eBook) [Social Informatics: About People & Computers ... and Beavers.]
- Weßel C. Andere arbeiten lassen: Lernen und Lehren an Hochschulen mit dem A A L. Weidenborn Verlag 2019 (print), 2023 (eBook). [Eel: Engage everyone in learning.]
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- Weßel, C. (2021). Social Informatics Experience: A Case Study on Learning and Teaching Sociological Basics in a Technical Context. Acta Informatica Pragensia, 10(3), 211–235. https://doi.org/10.18267/j.aip.170
- Weßel, C., & Spreckelsen, C. (2009). Continued Multidisciplinary Project-based Learning – Implementation in Health Informatics. Methods of Information in Medicine, 48(6), 558–563. https://doi.org/10.3414/me0586
- Ißler, I., Spreckelsen, C., & Weßel, C. (2007). Implementing Software Development Guidelines in a Medical Informatics Research Project. Methods of Information in Medicine, 46(6): 641-645. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0038-1625422
- Weßel, C., Weymann, F., & Spreckelsen, C. (2006). Streamlining Qualitative Research Methods for Medical Informatics - A Methodological Approach. In: Engelbrecht R, Hasman A (Ed.). European Notes in Medical Informatics. Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging Societies. Proceedings of MIE2006. CD-ROM. ISSN 1861-3179. Munich, EFMI: ENMI European Notes in Medical Informatics Vol II No 2, 2006: MIE 2006 pp 371-376. - text pdf and poster pdf
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research reports
Another step to resume teaching after a three years break?! (blog 29 Dec 2022) I hope this cv will answer the professor's question and my qualifications will meet the university's requirements. Any ideas to improve this cv are welcome.
Christa Weßel - Monday, 03 July 2023
blog section higher education
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